Monthly Archives: November 2023

Electric Cars Maintenance & Care - Tips and Tricks You Need To Know

Electric Cars Maintenance & Care - Tips and Tricks You Need To Know

A revolution quietly hums beneath our wheels as we enter an era of eco-consciousness. The electric car, a herald of this new age, silently navigates the asphalt, its pulse in sync with the rhythm of progress.  In this landscape of evolving technology, the art of electric car maintenance and care emerges as a vital focus, resulting in better sustainability and performance. Electric cars are not only a symbol of progress but also a sustainable solution to our planet's rising environmental concerns. As such, it is imperative that we maintain and care for them appropriately, ensuring their longevity and optimal performance. 1. Charging EtiquetteCharge, Don't Strain Think of your electric car's battery as its fuel tank. To keep it robust and functioning properly, avoid extremely high or low charge levels. Aim for a charging sweet spot&md ... read more